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Wordless Wednesday - Raining

It's been raining in Florida - On & Off Rain ... Very Warm Winter Family up north has been explaining what a calm winter it's been for them. It has been the same here in Central Florida with just a little rain and sunshine soon after. This makes for very tropical feeling / warm weather. It feels like it's going to be a scorcher this summer. The funny thing is that people from the North visit

Monday Marketing Tip - Quality Unique Website Content / Blog Content Is Key

Unique Website Content / Unique Blog Content Is Still Key It was not so long ago that Google added a feature to their Webmaster Tools that permitted webmasters to report duplicate content; kind of like a "grace" system for those who wanted forgiven for duplicate content. That was at the end of 2009 while we were waiting for the social search engine (Google +) to launch and I didn't fall


I've been blaming my busy life for my failure to update this blog very often. And that is partly true. The other guilty party is Twitter. I tend to tweet about silly things the kids say or do more often that I blog about them lately. Here's a good one from C (newly five-years-old) from today: "Mom, is it okay if I say the word 'shit'?" (Uh, nope.) "Okay." And from Twitter over the past few months: "Don't lick my bandaid." (One twin to the other.) Most important events of 2011, according to M (age 9): Osama bin Laden killed and The Muppets released. Just found out parent meeting for daughter's new Brownie troop will be at Tanners [a bar]. Love this troop already.. Just got into major argument with my husband abt Jay-Z. Of course, he was drunk. My husband, not Jay-Z. # fridaynightwiththemckinneys My directionally challenged husband: "Did you know Martin City isn't at 151st and Kenneth Road anymore?" Yeah, it never was.

Okay, fine. I'll post something.

Hình ảnh
I received a not-so-subtle email this morning, lodging an "OFFICIAL COMPLAINT" that this blog hasn't been updated since August. Thanks for the kick in the ass, friend who used to clean the popcorn machine and rewind VHS tapes with me at the video store we worked at in high school. (And that, dear readers, will tell you approximately how old I am. I worked at a video store that rented VHS tapes - and had a creepy porn section in the back corner and no one apparently thought it was weird that high school kids stocked, rewound and sold from that section daily. And remember that time when we had to pull all of the Traci Lords tapes because it came out that she was underage? Okay, enough about the video store.) I would say sorry for the digression but it's actually frighteningly on-topic. You'll see. Earlier this school year, I gifted my 10-year-old son with my trusty Merriam-Webster dictionary. The edition that saw me through late elementary, junior high, high school

Wordless Wednesday - Bean Bag Baby

Our baby "chills" in the bean bag while watching Barney! He falls asleep on his own as long as the bean bag is near :) This is an AWESOME milestone for this active little boy! In Motherly Love, Mother Baby Child

13 Month Baby / Toddler - Extreme Child Proofing To Keep The Baby Safe For Home

Child Proofing AGAIN | Child Safety for 13 Month Old Toddler It feels like there is nothing that we can do to keep our 13 month old baby out of mischief! He is just one curious little boy that is usually on the go from 6:30 to 7:30 A.M. until he crashes around 4:00 P.M. He will nap for about an hour and then do it again until around 9:30 to 10:00 P.M. I feel like we are living in total hyper

38 1/2 Years Older Than My Baby - Almost 40 Years Old ... Ecclesiastes 3 ... Comes To Mind

1st Trimester (Energetic, Athletic, Pain-Free, 38 Years Old) Post Pregnancy (Exhausted, Chubby, Achy, 39.5 Years Old) Today I woke up feeling "some kind of way" about my age. My exact thought was that "I am 21 years older than my 1st son, 25 years older than my 2nd son and 38 1/2 years older than our baby boy ... what was I thinking?" I woke my husband and tell him. He just said "yeah" and