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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2013

Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, and Strip Search

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Yeesh, I'm seriously terrible about updating this blog.  Lately I've just had a lot to do, which means not much time for drawing personal stuff.  Hopefully that'll change soon.  Also, if you want to see new art more often, you can check my tumblr out- I post on there fairly regularly, although a lot of it is dumb stuff like post-it doodles and things like that.  Sometimes I post comics and fun stuff too, though. Here's some of the stuff I've posted to my tumblr lately...also I've got a cool announcement at the bottom of this post, so don't miss it!  :] From Game of Thrones, Catelyn Stark. Robb Stark Joffrey "Little Shit" Baratheon ...and the lovely Khaleesi! Here's Arya... ...and here are some doodles of how I see Arya from the books, rather than the show. Here's how Ygritte looks in my head. These next ones are characters from Downton Abbey...a few of these were drawn without reference and I think they turned out to be the funnier ones. H

One fine day

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We got a taster of spring a couple of weekends ago - it was bloody brilliant. 


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Right now... we're waiting for the hubby's tonsillitis to go away, my viral conjunctivitis to do the same and for the worst month of the year to be over. Good things come to those who wait, right?!

Florida Beach Boys | Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday :) Lea @ Mother Baby Child

Half term

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Not enough time to blog right now - I'll be back next week!

Through the bars

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When the kids made up a game of walking through some railings one bar at the time, I decided to hang back at let my zoom lens follow them. Have a jolly weekend!

A phone click

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Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin - Monday Marketing Tip - How To Be Successful WAHM

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me." ~ 1 Corinthians 15:10 FOCUS is Follow One Course Until Successful Whether it is blogging, working from home or working out of the home, spreading yourself too thin is of no benefit to your business, blog, marketing or

Around our temporary home

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Still waiting to find out about the place we're trying to buy. It's been five months of not knowing what's going to happen, not knowing if we'll actually get it. In the mean time my camera is very happy here :)

On the bus

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Thank you so much for your generous comments on the Oxford posts - I'm so glad you liked the pics. A couple of weeks ago we had to get the bus into town (exciting huh?!) and the light made it much more enjoyable than usual. Hope you all have a brill weekend!

Oxford randomness

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And so for the last pics from Oxford. When the rain got too bad we sheltered in the Ashmolean Museum and later at the Pitt Rivers Museum . The problem with visiting on a Sunday is that the colleges and the museums are only open for a few hours, and as I hadn't much time to figure out the layout of the city before we went, we had to rush through everything. We only got 15 minutes in Pitt Rivers before it closed, and we were gutted as it was obvious from the tiny amount we saw what an amazing place it was. There's only one thing for it: go back. And we will - soon!

Uni time

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Very late the night before we went to Oxford, I frantically tried to put together a bit of a plan for our day trip. I wish I could be more relaxed and just follow my nose when I'm somewhere new, but I can't -  I'm a Virgo after all (that's my excuse anyway). Racking my brains I remembered that Alice lives in Oxford and so looked through her blog for any clues as to where to go. Not looking at any of the colleges in such a famous and old university town would be, uhm, weird and luckily Alice has made a bit of a guide to some of them . As we were very short for time, I chose Worcester College (pics 2 & 4) and Corpus Christi College (the rest). Both were beautiful in very different ways and I really want to go back in summer, as it'll be even more so then. However, the highlight of the day was when we were walking briskly through the rain, with the sun still shining. We turned to look behind us and there it was: a complete rainbow. Perfect!