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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2013

Walls & windows

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Last Sunday we went on a last minute day trip to Oxford. It was my visiting friend's idea that we go, and I'm so glad he suggested it. It's a really pretty city, but my funny (weird) eye ignored the famous old university buildings and instead saw interesting colour combinations on residential houses. More pics from Oxford to come!

A Tate morning

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I always take visiting friends to Tate Modern , but this time we were unlucky as it's was in-between paying exhibitions. They need to update the permanent collection with some more interesting artworks; usually there's a few really good ones on display, but the current selection is pretty boring. The Tanks were also closed so we were really unlucky. Here's hoping more exciting art is on the way for 2013.

Jump for joy!

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I'm so happy the sun has come out to play with us in the past few days. A friend has been in town and I have quite a few pictures to go through and eventually post. Happy Monday! A song for today: Sunshine

The huggers

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Go hug someone today!

The snowy hill of Primrose

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London is covered in a blanket of snow again - for the third time in four years. Me likey. It started coming down on Friday and we took a windswept walk up Primrose Hill. I got very excited when I saw a guy walk up the hill with a red umbrella and couldn't believe the steamy windows in the café we took refuge in. For a few seconds there I pretended I was Saul Leiter :)

Potty Training 2 Year Old Toddler Boy - Dad & Mom Are Doing The Potty Dance For Sure

It's a joyful week in the Hunt home :) Our toddler has started potty training; WOO HOO!!! Our younger teen has gone to bed at a decent time for the past few nights. My oldest son (who is sadly not talking to me) just had a baby girl named Harmony. Our dog made his first "autotune video", web work has been steady for me and I started a work at home business that is starting to grow. In fact, quite

Above & below

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\ On Exhibition Rd \\ Under Exhibition Rd

My Monday

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What I needed to spend the whole day doing: Japanese homework. Some of what I actually did:  Finished watching Crazy, Stupid, Love Laughed at what Instagram really is   and what happens to you when you watch Breaking Bad Having a part from a song pop into my head and managing to track it down. Take these pictures.  At 37 I would I have thought I'd be sensible about doing homework, but it turns out leaving stuff to the last minute is a very hard habit to shake.

Little people

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Table boy

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Monday's reds

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I treated myself on Monday and went to see three exhibitions; William Klein + Daido Moriyama at Tate Modern and Cartier-Bresson: A question of colour  and Tim Walker: Story Teller  at Somerset House. It's probably been about four years since I did a full art day on my own, and I must admit it felt both weird and wonderful. William Klein was really good (Moriyama=zzzzz) and I was so happy to finally see some Saul Leiter prints in the flesh. I wish I could have put them in my bag and walked off home! I was also totally blown away by seeing Joel Meyerowitz, Ernst Haas and Fred Herzog's pictures. I think my eyes might have been drooling. On another day I'm sure I would have enjoyed the Tim Walker exhibition, but after seeing such amazing street photography, fashion photography in comparison just looked stupid. Feast your eyes: William Klein Saul Leiter Joel Meyerowitz Ernst Haas Fred Herzog

Jump around

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On the first day of the new year

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How do you get a 3-year old to walk for a couple of hours? Well, a kite, lots of puddles and a treasure hunt seems to do the trick. We're so lucky to have Hampstead Heath at our doorstep at the moment. Happy 2013 everyone!

Happy 2013 New Year

2013 New Year Blessings I didn't get to write much towards the end of 2012 (busy busy busy) and started the 2013 New Year with the flu (yuck). I feel like I've really missed out on a lot in this short time. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. I miss hopping and chatting with you. Please make sure to leave a comment with your blog, so that I can read your Xmas posts and catch up with