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It's a cool Yule

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Long time readers of this blog will know how I've always been quite anti-Christmas, but for the first time since my childhood I've actually enjoyed the run-up to it. Having a four year old has totally changed my feelings, as I've been reminded of how magical it all seemed as a child. Another thing that changed this year was that we decided to do Secret Santa for the grown ups, which took away the stress of finding everyone gifts and the whole consumerist aspect of the holidays. I also realised what a miserable month the darkest month of the year would be if we didn't have all those Christmas lights and decorations, and how baking and making stuff made staying indoors much cosier on dark, wet and windy afternoons. And I look forward to seeing if Father Christmas brings Oomoo what he wished for (he made me draw his wish list)! Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates it and happy holidays if you don't - hope you have a good one! F xx

House of fun

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Last Friday we finally went to Junibacken ; last time we were in Stockholm Oomoo was too young, but this time it was perfect. As a fan of Pippi Longstocking , Alfons Åberg , t he Moomins and Pettson Oomoo was having a ball climbing around Pippi's kitchen, grooming Lilla Gubben and manning the ticket booth at a mini-cinema. I personally wanted to move into the Moomin house (second and seventh pic). I can't think of a place in London where they've built kid-size houses or towns (it's genius ), I so wish there was one.

A Stockholm weekend

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It's been two and a half years since we were last in Stockholm, and I found it unacceptable that come next summer it would be three. So last weekend we made our way there for an intense three days of meeting up with family and friends. Years ago I visited there one February, and it was so miserable that I swore never to go back in winter. But going in December is different; the whole city comes alight with Christmas lights and advent candelabras, which is fortunate, as it was hard to get used to the sun going down at 3pm... Here in London the sun goes down around 4pm this time of year, and believe me, that one hour extra makes all the difference! More Stockholm pics to come.

Back in Oxford

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Following on from the previous post; we took my friends to Oxford and went to the Pitt Rivers museum , which is soooooo good, and wandered around some of the college compounds. The autumn colours at Christchurch College were just perfect.


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Two of my favourite people came over to visit us from the States at the end of October (yes, I'm a bit behind with my posts), and we totally lucked out on the weather. I was a good girl for bringing my big camera with me and these are some random shots from those days. Happy Monday!

A tribute

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I took this picture with my iPhone last Tuesday and posted it on Instagram, where I later found out that Saul Leiter had passed away the same day. I thought it an amazing coincidence. Every now and again I take a picture and I can see as I frame it that I'm trying to channel Leiter's amazing (and in my humble opinion the best ) eye, and this was one of those times. No other photographer's images has such an emotional impact on me and has me sighing in respect - the man took PERFECT pictures. He also seemed like a very nice man who didn't understand why people were making such a fuss about his photographs. Here's one of my favourite quotes of his: "In order to build a career and be successful, one has to be determined. One has to be ambitious. I much prefer to drink coffee,  listen to music and to paint when I feel like it." Read the Guardian obit here And here's a little film of him walking around his on retrospective in Hamburg last year (I so hope

Party party

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And of course we had a party! With cakes, jelly, musical statues and fiskdamm . During the party I was too busy to take that many pictures, hence more pictures of the house before the guests arrived :)