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Party party

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And of course we had a party! With cakes, jelly, musical statues and fiskdamm . During the party I was too busy to take that many pictures, hence more pictures of the house before the guests arrived :)


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Woke up to find that the cupboard weirdly had some presents in it. And then rode on one of them in the park (such a proud moment!) Woody then drove us to lunch... ... which knackered him out. We left quietly. The Tower was pleasantly quiet. One of the very few perks of a November birthday. Beaut! One way of keeping warm I guess. An old-school loft conversion :) Guess where we're going for his fifth?! How apt that the blog fell a-slumber on the previous post... Our household has been hit by endless colds and the like, but today I finally feel a bit better, so it's time to catch-up. Oomoo turned four a couple of weeks ago, and last year on his third birthday (right after we'd been to the London Eye) he asked if we could go to the Tower of London on his fourth. So we did.


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Remember remember

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Guy Fawkes night is another one of those yearly celebrations that (literally) lightens up the long slog that is autumn and winter here. Last Saturday the fireworks display was back on in our local park after a four year absence. For some reason I thought it a good idea to put a slower lens on my camera, and this is pretty much the only shot that worked out. Next time I'll "remember remember" not to do that again :)

Matchy matchy

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We went to Tate Modern the other day, and to make the outing more fun for Oomoo we decided to find art that matched his jumper. I think we did rather well.

October 31st

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Halloween wasn't something we celebrated in Sweden when I grew up (we did something similar at Easter where we dressed up as witches/old ladies), and it wasn't even particularly here in the UK either, but in the past few years it's become very popular. And I for one appreciate any sort of break from the everyday dreariness that envelopes us at this time of year. For several days before, Oomoo (who for the second year running dressed up as a cat) was so excited about going trick or treating with his cousins and on the night we all had great fun. Luckily he's already forgotten about his big bag of sweetie swag :) P.S. How creepy is that witch in the fifth picture?? Answer: very. She opened the door like that and then continued to cackle until each trick or treater had left.

Day 2: Thankful For My Guys! ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 | 30 Days Of Gratitude

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) Day 2: Thankful For Sons & Husband | 30 Days Of Gratitude I am having a laid back day today. Getting a lot done here on the computer, but totally grateful that everyone is calm and happy to hang out with one another. I look to the left (because I am sitting in the seat