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The little gem

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I meant to post these last year, but somehow never got round to it. Some friends of ours who live in the countryside had recently moved, and in their garden was this dilapidated bungalow. It's funny to look at these now as there's a lot of bluey green in our new house... I guess this ramshackle little building spoke to me. We're moving into our new home this weekend! So. Damn. Excited. It'll probably be quiet here on the blog until we're settled in, but you can check in on my Instagram feed until then. See you soon!

A Sunday in April

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My cameras are under a layer of dust now, haha. I hope I get to play with them sooooooon.

Best Bath Toy for Toddlers | Perfect Gift

Munchkin Foam Letters and Numbers - Toddler's Favorite Bath Toy I would love to share the video of our baby in the tub, but my husband would kill me. So you'll just have to imagine our toddler's excitement at bath time based on what I explain here. He absolutely loves taking a bath and it is a fresh experience after going through the pre-teen years with a son that we had to bribe to take a


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Poor little blog... I'm not in a picture taking frame of mind at the moment with everything that is happening right now. Not only is there a lot of house stuff going on, but I've also signed up to run a 10K in three week's time (following Isabelle and Kvitter's brilliant training schedule over at DosFamily ) and then there's the usual Japanese homework to get on with. Oh, and being a full-time mum, ha! However, yesterday I went into town and had a quiet little read at Nordic Bakery and then met up with my visiting sister for a short blast of sisterly fun. And I made myself take these as I'm totally out of the habit :)

When the light is right

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Start Getting Into Shape Before Summer - Exercise Contest / Weight Loss Giveaway

Are you TOO READY to take off some weight before summer and then keep losing weight during the summer, so that you can make this the last year? It really stinks being overweight each summer! I say this from experience and pray that this will be your year to take control of your health :) Many of us feel this way each day and just do not have the support to get started! If you struggle SO HARD

La Maison

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To say that this has been a good week is an understatement. We finally got the keys to our new home,   seven  long frustrating months after our offer was accepted. But we hung in there and wouldn't give up on it. Seeing the house again after so long was a bit nerve-racking, but I very quickly remembered why we fought so hard for it. It's going to be great! There's some work to be done on it, so we won't be able to move in until the end of May - but at least it's ours now, eh?! Have lovely weekend amigos!