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Numbers & Letters

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\ Number 14 Golden Square \\ In the window of the ICA shop \\\ A Peter Liversidge sculpture in the Frieze Sculpture park

Spots and circles

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A trio from our friends' house the other day - I'm such a sucker for nice details and good light... Have a great weekend!

Inside the rain inside

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I asked Oomoo if he wanted to go and see it rain inside a room yesterday. He scrunched his face up and looked at me like I was talking utter nonsense. So we went and picked up his Nana, took turns at queueing for an hour at the Barbican to see the Rain Room installation , and it was totally worth the wait.


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Amanda Todd Suicide - National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. It is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Canadian Autism Awareness Month, Pregnancy Loss and Infant Loss Awareness Month, National Cyber Security Awareness Month and so on. There are more than 40 observances this month, but Amanda Todd's suicide due to offline and cyber bullying has started a Canadian movement and trending on Twitter (

28 hours in Wiltshire // Sunday

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28 hours in Wiltshire // Saturday

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To say we lucked out with the weather would be an understatement.