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Yesterday afternoon

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Blacks and shadows

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Thanks for your comments on your previous post, so nice to hear from you and what you think. I think the re-design might ignite the old spark for me, I can't believe it looked the same for so long! And yes, bigger pictures was needed too. Here's a trio of Lomo pics from the spring. I'm so up for shooting more on film.

Toddler Baby Had 104.7 Temperature - 1st Flu

Our 21 month old has been sick for 7 days total :( The nurses said it was the flu, but it seemed like something else because he only vomited when he had a bottle of milk and it was just little bits. I was scared that it was West Nile Virus (we're in Florida) or Meningitis. Aside of running to the store and getting what he needed, we all stayed in bed with him for 72 hours. His temperature was

Messing about

I'm having a go at re-designing the blog... I don't know what I'm doing so it'll look a bit messy for a bit. Or forever :) (I don't know how you line things up or how to get rid of the white borders around the photos. Any tips/instructions will be much appreciated!) EDIT: To tell you the truth, re-designing this blog is something I'm doing in hope that I might want to post again. I'm not actually sure that blogging fits into my life anymore, I'm just not feeling it. I'm not the same person I was when I started the blog and it was something that made me happy to do. Now I shy away from the computer, I don't want to spend time on it. Don't get me wrong, I still love taking pictures, I just can't figure out how to (or why) share them online. I in part blame Instagram for making it so easy and quick to post pictures, blogging in comparison is too slow and too fiddly. I also prefer not having to write anything about the pictures; it feels irre

Our New Baby Dougie | 14 Weeks Old

(Picture of Dougie at 12 weeks old when we adopted him) We welcomed a new baby to the family :) Our summer ended in a whirl that lead right into the 2012-2013 school year. We had so much going on towards the end of the summer that it is no wonder that it felt like that. The most exciting change is that we now have 2 babies in the house (yes, I did say two babies). We are all very excited about

Most Dangerous

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This child - who is awesome - told me the following today: "Mom, do you know what the four most dangerous things in the world are? Lions, tigers, scissors and knives." "OH! And tarantulas." "And probably bees, green hornets and yellow jackets." Love. Him.


My nine-year-old told me last week that this song "just expresses me so well." She does not lack in self-confidence, that one.