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Players will be playin'

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Hello again... I haven't felt like blogging at all during the last few weeks, there are big changes going on behind the scenes (nothing serious, but just incredibly time consuming), and so something has had to give. Ironically I'm taking lots of pictures, but I can't find the time to go through them and put posts up as easily. Anyway, I'm checking in to say hi (hi!) and to show you what Oomoo's favourite game is at the moment. Hope you're all well and I hope I'll soon get the chance to be a more active in this space. Peas.

Hurricane / Tropical Storm Isaac | Pray for Haiti, Dominican Republic and New Orleans

(Our toddler baby in his life jacket. He can finally fit it now). We had quite a scare this weekend. They said to prepare for a hurricane! It ended up being Tropical Storm Issac ... At first, Bay News 9 said that we were to expect a hurricane over the next few days. They said that "Hurricane Issac" would go through Florida and might end up as strong as Hurricane Katrina; they just weren't sure

Babys 1st Time Playing In Sprinkler w/ Brother (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love Is" ... Wordless Wednesday

This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it! Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ... Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it

Just saying hello

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Boring fact of the day: I've got a cold, my third one in five weeks. If there was an Olympics for colds I would have three gold medals by now. Bah!


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Happy World Breastfeeding Week (August 1 - 7, 2012) Pledge Information & Support

Celebrating the 20th World Breastfeeding Week I am writing this a quick blog post to share some information, that is important to me and I am sure will be important to other mothers (moms to be), too. August 1 to 7, 2012 is World Breastfeeding Week (WBW); an occassion that is celebrated in 120 countries at different dates during the year with 2012 being its twentieth anniversary. "Twenty years

Drive by

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Oops... where has the week gone (or, where has this year gone?! I mean, it's August tomorrow - how did that happen??)? I meant to come back here last week but never got the chance, and now I'm out of synch with my pictures. It's weird to think that these are from a week ago whereas today I'm looking out on a drizzly street, nursing my fourth cup of tea and feeling rather sluggish. Aaaaanyway, I shot these out the passenger window as we were driving down the promenade in Southend-on-Sea, and I like how they're same same but different :)