Bài đăng

Tough Guy

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Seven-year-old boys are kinda weird. Let's just get it out there. I said it. It's true. Actually, boys in general are kinda weird from age five until age...well, whatever. Boys are weird. Here's G showing me how tough he is with the pseudo-mohawk he had for five minutes while his father buzzed him. He couldn't even keep a straight face. I love this kid. And,yes, mother, it's gone now.

At the Zoo

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My people. A whole afternoon with just my five favorite people. (And the animals and other freaks at the zoo.)

High School Graduation or Wedding Reception?

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When would be the best time to pull this one out of the old archives? Sandals but no pants? Check. Fruit snacks? Check. Kickass sweatband on each wrist, just so he doesn't lose his grip on the snacks due to slick perspiration? Check. Forrest-Gump-on-the-bench position? Check. Oh yes. This photo will be very useful to me in the future...mwahaha...

A Loving Thought

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My great-aunt* retired a few weeks ago after working at the same job for 30 years (I think it was about 30 years. Coulda been 25...). Anyway, my mom hosted a party to celebrate the retirement. I took the big kids and they made cards. Here is M's card for Aunt Donna. Made without any prompting as to what it should say. I absolutely love it. Call Hallmark. Gragelashin's! Graglashin's! You have wrct vary hard. Now you can stae home. Love, M *Although she is my great-aunt, she is only 11 years older than my mom.

And More Happy Father's Day!

Just saw this over at Stephanie's blog, Adventures in Babywearing . Made me laugh out loud. Thought I'd share.

Happy Father's Day!

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The father of my four funny kids. (What you can't see is that, having heard the lens auto-focus, he was flipping me off just out of range. It was such a tender moment.)

Who Doesn't Love These?

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Really. Is there anyone out there that doesn't love these little poppers? I have no earthly idea why I still think they're so fun - but when I saw the display at Target yesterday, I had to buy four boxes. The kids hadn't even seen them yet when I squeeeee'd and ran to put them in our cart. Weird, I know.