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Infomercial Madness Comes to Life

So, you know how my kids are obsessed with infomercials? The Space Bag , the Buxton Organizer, the Craft-Lite Cutter , Mighty Putty? (Current favorite is, of course, the Snuggie.) Today, C dumped someone's leftover milk off the kitchen counter. All over the floor, cabinets, counter stool. J started wiping it up. I grabbed a rag and was running it under the faucet to follow behind, when M came into the kitchen. "Wait! I'll get the Shamwow!" she said as she ran to the laundry room. Yes, Internets. We are proud owners of the Shamwow . (And also, Debbie Meyer's Green Bags, which Santa brought for G's stocking. Heh.) In my defense (a weak one, I'll admit), I didn't order the Shamwow from Tony on TV. I bought them at Target from an As Seen on TV endcap. Because I'm a sucker.

I Am Loving My New Lens

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My husband bought me two new lenses for Christmas. One is a long lens for kids' sports and backyard wildlife. The other is a 1.8 for good close-ups. The kind that I so expertly describe to my sister (a professional photographer) as "the ones that get blurry in the background". So, here is a glimpse of my idyllic mornings. Post-school drop off for the big kids. I get to relax and sit at the table with the newspaper and coffee and enjoy the solitude and the silence. Except I don't drink coffee and I've never, ever experienced solitude or silence during the waking hours of these two.

I Shouldn't Have Asked

My two year old sons are wrestling each other on my bed as I read through my Google Reader feeds from today. They were getting a bit rowdy and loud so I said, "HEY! Guys! Come on. Would you give me a break?!" C's response: "No way!" (And now they are sitting on the bed, having picked up the remote and turned the TV on, watching some heinous watches on QVC.)

Blog Feed

Hey Everyone - I just updated my feed. If you subscribed before, you should be getting this new feed via a redirect. If not, go ahead and click on the RSS button in the sidebar to re-subscribe. And, if you don't subscribe yet, why not?!?! If you don't have a fancy reader/aggregator, go ahead and subscribe by email. You won't miss a single, solitary moment of our very exciting life here in midwest suburbia. Thanks!!


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When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three I was hardly me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five , I was just alive. But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever, So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.


I am wonderfully amazed that my children have no idea why today is so historic. In their lives, it is not unusual that the President of the United States is African-American. And that is so cool that I choke back tears just to type it. Mostly, they are excited that two little kids are moving into the White House today. To them, that is the coolest thing that will happen on this day. And that innocent thought alone is pretty freaking awesome. I love it. I am hopeful today that the President will have an administration that will give his detractors little to complain about, one that will stand up to the historic position his election created, one that will make those who went before him and those who elected him proud, one that will make this country better than it is today. He can certainly talk the talk. Now is the time to walk the walk. For my children, I hope that the excitement continues well beyond today. (And I just saw Malia Obama videotaping her dad giving his inaugural addres

Hey Psychology Grad Students...

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How early can you diagnose someone with obsessive compulsive disorder?