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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2012

Me x 4

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Looking back at myself  - my old selfie flickr set. Have a good weekend peeps!

Zig Ziglar Died Today - May He Rest In Peace (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)

R.I.P. Zig Ziglar (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)| Wordy Wordless Wednesday My jaw just about hit the floor when I read that Hilary Hinton a.k.a. ZIG ZIGLAR died this morning. It is was not the shock of death itself as this man has been blessed to live a long 86 years. Although I never met Hilary, I have been reading, watching his videos and quoting Zig Ziglar for years. It felt like


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In the deep

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We didn't mean to, but we ended up going to the London Aquarium on Oomoo's birthday too - again ! None of us minded though :)


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Oomoo's 3rd birthday was a perfect day; the sun decided to come out and we took him and Nana on the London Eye - and the city looked pretty damn good. More pics to come. Happy Weekend!

Happy Thanksgiving - Lords Great Blessings Psalm 126:3

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. ~ Psalm 126:3 This is a short blog post to express my gratitude for all of my online and mom blogger friends, as well as my family that is dear to me. Each is a day of gratitude and growth with you in my life. I am so thankful to the Lord for all of the blessings, gifts and changes he has provided for us since last

Into hyper speed

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Just popping in briefly to say hello... This week is going to be crazy busy, not only does a certain little man turn three (with a party to go with it), but I'm also going to try and catch up with five weeks worth of Japanese lessons (somehow evening lessons and being a mum doesn't work - why am I surprised?!). Hope you have a good week friends - I will be back!

Skadi book and CTN!!

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I'm pretty happy...I was thinking I wouldn't be able to make it to CTNX this year, but it turns out I can! Also, I will be there selling the Skadi book , which is finally done!  It feels really exciting to hold a finished book in my hands.  Pretty neat.  SO!  About the book...it's pretty big, magazine size, 128 pages, and is in full color.  It's mostly made up of the comics from the first two years that Luke and I did Skadi, though there are a couple newer comics thrown in, as well as a bit of new art.  You can pre-order the signed book for 20 bucks plus shipping and handling at the new SKADI STORE , or you can wait and pick one up at CTNX.  I'll be sharing a booth HERE with Luke Cormican and Gabe Swarr. Besides the 100 pages of comics, there are also nine beautiful pinups from art heroes Bill Pressing , Brianne Drouhard , Emmy Cicierega , Pedro Vargas , Becky Dreistadt , Alex Kirwan , Kristen McCabe , Shawn Dickinson , and Seo Kim .  There's even two bonu

Settling in

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In our old house there was one staircase with 15 steps and at my father-in-law's there are three staircases with 19 each. In our old place we got to see sunsets and here we get to see sunrises. The light in our old house was brilliant and here it's amazing. And I guess one sees pigeons wherever you are in London :)

The seven year itch

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So, the big change that was going on behind the scenes here during the summer was that we decided it was time to move on - from our house. It wasn't a move that I had anticipated when we bought the place, so it took quite a while to get my head round it, but never the less it was time for something new. Buying and selling property in the UK can be a ridiculously slow process, and this move has been no different. The sale of our house went on for about three months and then - bang - we had four days to pack up the house and get out (not so easy with a toddler I tell you). We've found a new house that we're buying, but of course nothing here is straight forward and so I doubt we'll be moved in until early next year. In the meantime we're staying at my father-in-law's which is great. Seeing our house without our stuff in it made me realise that it's not a house that makes a home, it's the people and what they put in there that does. I'm very excited by

Tell me what you see

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