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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2012

Numbers & Letters

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\ Number 14 Golden Square \\ In the window of the ICA shop \\\ A Peter Liversidge sculpture in the Frieze Sculpture park

Spots and circles

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A trio from our friends' house the other day - I'm such a sucker for nice details and good light... Have a great weekend!

Inside the rain inside

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I asked Oomoo if he wanted to go and see it rain inside a room yesterday. He scrunched his face up and looked at me like I was talking utter nonsense. So we went and picked up his Nana, took turns at queueing for an hour at the Barbican to see the Rain Room installation , and it was totally worth the wait.


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Amanda Todd Suicide - National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. It is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Canadian Autism Awareness Month, Pregnancy Loss and Infant Loss Awareness Month, National Cyber Security Awareness Month and so on. There are more than 40 observances this month, but Amanda Todd's suicide due to offline and cyber bullying has started a Canadian movement and trending on Twitter (

28 hours in Wiltshire // Sunday

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28 hours in Wiltshire // Saturday

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To say we lucked out with the weather would be an understatement.

Our summer part II

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Badminton is brilliant fun, but it really sucks if you're too young.

Girls fighting pens, goddesses, and somber redheads

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Yikes, I haven't been updating this blog much!  Here's some recent stuff, though.  A lot of it has appeared on my Tumblr , so sorry for the repetition.   I got this neat pose book in Little Tokyo with people fighting, so here are some tiny doodles I did while looking at it. Next I wanna try drawing some of the men in the book...it's getting boring drawing just girls all the time. Hopefully the Instagram treatment isn't too annoying to anyone.  I've seen people complain, but honestly it's a pretty useful tool for getting your art seen by people outside of your circle!  Here's a scan of the actual sketchbook, just in case.    A little while ago I had a day-long obsession with Artemis and drew her a bunch.  When I was younger I really liked Greek mythology and she was my favorite goddess. Man, this new blogger stuff is a pain in my ass.  Anyhow, above is a sketchbook doodle and it's Photoshop clean up.  Which one do you prefer?  Here's some more Photo

Past & present

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Had a bit of a surprise when I got a film developed last week. I'd found the roll in a drawer and loaded the camera, shooting away, not thinking anything of it. However, it turns out it was an old roll that my godfather had shot and rewound - but not all the way. How I ended up with the roll is a mystery as he still lives in Stockholm, but what was amazing was that the pictures were from 15 years ago. My sister in this picture is now 20 and it's so weird to see her frozen in time, with Oomoo in the same frame. A lot of the roll ended up double exposed and the second half of only my pictures were all under exposed. The film had expired after all. This sort of time traveling just doesn't happen when you shoot digitally. Happy Wednesday!

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month I am sitting here in amazement that another year has gone by so quickly! WOW! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was sharing the memory of my friend in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and information on how to support her 2 cancer foundations this month. I am sharing this information again in this blog post, so that you