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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2012

Color me good

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Sunday at the South Bank

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It's funny how I used to think South Bank was a hideous looking place when I was younger, and now it's my favourite cluster of buildings in London. It's just so ridiculously photogenic, don't you think?


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We're die-hard regulars at London Zoo; we probably go twice or three times a month throughout the whole year (even in winter!). Yesterday was a rare rain-free day, so me and Oomoo zoo-med (hehe) down and spent a few hours there - this is some of what we saw.

The brown post

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As promised, more pictures from the Hornsey Town Hall. Oomoo really likes it in there too :)


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Thanks to an art exhibition we've been able to check out our local town hall (built in the 1930's) that is normally closed to the public. For years I've wondered what it looks like on the inside, and I was surprised and pleased to see how intact the Art Deco details were. The exhibition itself didn't grab me but I loved travelling back in time for a while. More pics to come!

Little Mo pic of the week XV

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I think she has a new boyfriend!

Handsome beast

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Toddler Baby Bites, Pinches & Laughs

Our 17 month old toddler has 2 bad habits ... I cannot believe that I am saying this about our beautiful baby boy, though "it is what it is". Our 17 month old toddler baby bites, pinches and laughs like the Joker from Batman while he is doing it. These bad habits began a few months ago and are starting to slow down, though still exist. It hurts so badly that I cannot help saying "Ouch", "Ow"


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Arty trip

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My mum is in town at the moment, so last we went down to see the Yayoi Kusama exhibition at Tate Modern before it ended. I only managed to sneak one pic in there (see second pic) and I duly got told off, haha!

Mostly Conan, plus Khaleesi.

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I haven't had much time for drawing lately, but here are some sketches I did a while ago while re-watching Conan the Barbarian for the 50th time.  They look a bit somber to me.  I still feel weird drawing men, so it's harder to loosen up.  I'm also just rusty from not drawing for myself lately. Thulsa Doom and Conan in his little cultist getup. These ones are actually from Conan the Destroyer, cause I couldn't find my copy of Conan the Barbarian and got desperate.     Rexor.  I love this guy. There's been a trend lately to use the app Instagram to take photos of your drawings, and add filters to them.  It seems a bit like cheating, but the results just look cooler, and I can't help but wanna do it.  Conan's ma. Cultist princess lady. Valeria! It's been kind of a crappy time lately, so I've been having a hard time drawing loose and cartoony. A couple years ago I did some Conan drawings that are more spontaneous and lively.  You can see them here , if