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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2012

Your Baby Can Read - Week 2

Your Baby Can Read - Week 2 - 1/23/2012 to 1/29/2012 I am now reporting our son's second week using Your Baby Can Read. He just turned 13 months old and has been using this early reading system for 9 days as of 1/29/2012 (he only watched the video and used the sliding word cards for two days on the first week). I will post these reviews on Tuesdays, so that I can share the information during "

To be continued...

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I'm sending the blog off on holiday; it might be for a couple of weeks, it might be for a few months. I started this blog years ago in order to jump start my photography, but recently I've found that it's actually stifling it. I will continue on Instagram, so if you like you can follow me there or follow the link on the right hand side of this page. Keep well friends, and I might see you back here sooner than I think :)

Monday Marketing Tip | Image Optimization

Have you ever wondered why HER mom blog pictures show in Bing / Yahoo and Google Images, but YOUR Blogger images do not? This Monday Marketing Tip will explain how to optimize your pictures, so that people can find them in Bing / Yahoo and Google images. They will also see a message you have written when they put their computer mouse over the pictures. This is called image SEO and is

Florida Pictures & Follow Me Friday Blog Hops

(This Barred Owl visits all of the time and lets us get close to photograph. You can get a closer look by clicking the picture. He really is quite beautiful!) I cannot believe that it's already Friday! This week went so quickly and I am STILL getting caught up on website design work. I better get cracking, but first I want to say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend. Welcome to friends and

Outtakes XVI

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I'm going to cheat it again... I'm sure you don't mind. I found this folder on the desktop all ready to go, but I guess I never got round to posting it at the time - which if memory serves me right would have been nearly two years ago. And yes; I don't keep a particularly tidy desktop -  hence there are folders two years old just sitting there... Nevermind! Hope you have a mighty fine weekend y'all!

New drawing and new postcards for sale

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I made this drawing in Photoshop for fun, and ended up kind of liking it. The original sketchbook version is always better though, at least to me. Anyhow, I thought it would look cute as a little print, so I got four more drawings together and made a postcard set that you can buy on my Etsy shop . Each one is shiny and colorful and about 4" x 6". Here are the other ones...all stuff I've posted before, but tweaked to be more "print worthy." I am making larger prints of some of these that will also be on my Etsy store shortly. I'm also working on some new Skadi prints. You can click this drawing to go to the shop! Thanks! Also, thanks for all the encouragement on my last post. I'll definitely be posting more drawings from my hill folk project soon.

Little Mo pic of the week XIV

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Little Mo is 16 years old today - which is 81 in cat years... eeeeeeek! You'd never know it by looking at her. Somewhere in the attic there's must be a painting of her looking all decrepit, haha.

Wordless Wednesday | Beautiful Baby Mess

Maybe I should start calling these "Wordy Wednesday" blog posts :) BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY POEM by Lea Hunt Baby runs laps in the living room; every pillow and blanket ends up spread around. White teeth while smiling and laughing, "Hi Mama", "Hi Dada", "Hi Ra Ra" (brother) ... mornings are filled with beautiful baby sounds. Baby playing with his favorite toys; scattered on the floor with such

Out out out

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Oomoo was a bit poorly last week so we didn't get up to much, but by the weekend we were all going stir-crazy and had to get out of our 'hood. We headed down to the Natural History Museum first, but quickly moved on to the Science Museum next door, as it was very crowded at the former. I love the Science Museum; there are so many great things to explore, and every time we go we look at something different. Both me and the hubby sighed at the sight of the model workshop in the last picture - the details were amazing (you don't really get the sense of it in my picture, but it's I think it's at a scale of 1:44). I might go back and steal it. Don't you go and tell on me now!

Your Baby Can Read - Week 1

Your Baby Can Read ... Can Our Baby Read, Too? Watch 1st Week Video Towards The Middle Of This Blog Post I am embarrassed to say that I am addicted to infomercials and do watch the commercials between shows. I'm not as bad as my mother who buys from the TV, but I have been more than grateful for the Swivel Sweeper, Chopper and other great As Seen On TV products that she has bought me over

Outtakes XV

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I guess you could say I broke the law taking last picture :) Happy weekend!

Outtakes XIV

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It's been well over a year since I last put together an outtakes post. Well, guess what?! This week there'll be two of them, haha! I don't feel particularly inspired at the moment, so a dip into the archives will have to do. I don't know about you, but I'm craving something new in my life. I just haven't decided what yet... I'm thinking along the lines of learning a new language or perhaps taking up piano lessons again. We shall see.

Wordless Wednesday | Size 14 Shoes | 18 Year Old Started College | He Feels Excited & Free

"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish."

Shadows, silhouettes and strange trees

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Talent & Talented | Teaching Children w/ ADHD How To Focus On Education & Talents

My son's craft table ... He says "that's not mess", so I agree it is not :) This has been "one of those" weeks ... It was not a bad week; we accomplished a lot, though my husband and I were quite busy with so many family, business and household details. This included the kitchen sink breaking again. Our baby was in a walker splashing in 2 inches of water the last time it happened to us.

It's the weekend yo

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What are your plans for the weekend then? We have none whatsoever. Although I must say that there's no difference between weekdays and weekends in our house... Hope you have a good one!


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Wordless Wednesday | Baby's 1st Long Walk

"Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!" ~ Forrest GumpSpreading his wings and keeping balance. Our baby is no longer an infant, but a toddler boy and establishing his independence. He loves the world; family, nature, family, toys, milk bottles and snuggling with mama, daddy and brother. This was


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I always get sale-fatigue the day the sales start; I just can't be bothered. But I bagged two bargains in the past week, a shirt from Monki and a pair of shoes from F-Troupe . By the looks of it, I'm into panelling at the moment!

Unfinished, unnamed hillfolk comic

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So I've had this comic idea that I've wanted to do for a few years now, but I can't seem to get it started. I have the three main characters more or less figured out, but I can't seem to get the story or style nailed down. If this comic actually existed, it'd be about three girls living in the Appalachian Mountains, sometime around the year 1900. I guess it's kind of inspired by all the things that they sing about in old country songs...religion, heartache, murder, mental illness, etc. All my favorite things. There's Cora, a fire and brimstone fanatic who cuts her own hair and sometimes does bad things, like set fires to stuff. She's basically good though. And the most fun to draw. Her "friend" is Shah, who lives alone in the mountains making moonshine and fighting off the inbred cannibals who live nearby. Shah likes animals and shooting people. The third character is a mysterious girl with no memory of her life before being found on a riv

Insta Alps

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My Instagrams from the mountains came out much nicer than the Ixus ones :) Happy Monday!