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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2011

Baby's 1st Birthday | Happy Birthday Max

Baby's 1st Birthday ... Walking, Dancing, Singing, Hugging, KissingMy elders always explained that time moves faster when we are older. I did not understand until this month ... a whole year has passed and it feels like it was a whirl ... now, it is our baby's 1st first birthday. WOW!This feels like the fastest year of my life ... REALLY! As I put together the items for our baby's birthday party,

Wordless Wednesday | Baby Loves Sitting Outside & Taking Long Walks In Stroller

Baby is the plants blowing in the breeze ...Baby is checking out his stroller ...Baby is watching the birds ...Baby is watching the cars and trucks ...Baby is checking out the neighbor's dog ...Baby is saying hello to the trucks and cars ...Happy Wordless Wednesday :) How Is Your Week Going?We are fortunate that our baby loves being outside as much as we do ... In fact, he loves being outside so

Google + Blog Hop (Ongoing Networking Hop)

This Google + Hop is for mom bloggers and has easy rules ... 1) Add my Google + Page to your circle of Moms on Google + 2) Follow the Google + members on the list below 3) Comment below if you want us to know that you are participating.This is an on going blog hop, so bookmark this page and check back for new G+ers :) It would be great if you would join Google Friend Connect (lower right hand

Wordless Wednesday | Fat Green Caterpillar

Check out our new friend .. We named him "Willow":) This big fat green caterpillar just dropped down beside me while I was sitting on my porch. They aren't kidding when they say that bugs are bigger in the south :)Blog Hopping is such a fun way to get to know one another, therefore I added a page with a list of blogs; some host Wordless Wednesdays and others have Daily Blog Hops. Hope to see you

Send Video Christmas Greetings From Santa

Make Christmas A Little More Fun ... Children & Adults Will LikeI don't know if you've seen this, but it is really cute ... Portable North Pole has done their due justice with this video greeting service. You can send children or adults a video message from Santa. It says their name, shows their picture and causes a little bit of nervous excitement while you are waiting for Santa's elves to ...

Mariah Carey’s Jenny Craig Ad - 70 Pounds

MOMS, THE MARIAH CAREY JENNY CRAIG VIDEO MIGHT BE A LITTLE TO SEXY OR SCARY FOR IMPRESSIONABLE LITTLE EYES, BUT IS NOT OBSCENE. YOU DECIDE WHETHER TO CLICK THAT PLAY BUTTON RIGHT NOW OR LATER; IT WILL BE ON TV.I guess Jennifer Hudson has done all that she can do with and for Weight Watchers; she is now a size 0 (lost all of her baby weight for sure) and I am in shock. She did not look like a

Why Mom Bloggers Need To Use Google +

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CLICK THE FOLLOWING BUTTON TO FOLLOWMY GOOGLE + PAGE BEFORE READING THIS DETAILED BLOG POST!I warn you now ... this is a long blog post about the marketing technicalities of Google Plus and why you should be happy to use it! You might want to use the bathroom or get a cup of tea before getting started :) Your feedback and 1+, Digg, Tweet, Stumble, etc is appreciated! I have

Tired | Isaiah 40:29-31

I am so glad that she posted the Five Minute Friday word early because I am up very late and extremely tired, though looking forward to it :) Ironically, the word we're writing about is ... TIRED. December has crept up on me this year and no wonder. This has been a REALLY busy year. Last December, we moved into our "temporary" house (long story) just days before Christmas and having the baby.