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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday | Join Google + Page

Mother Baby Child Google + Page - Please Meet Me There!https://plus.google.com/109396481259136779796/postsOK, I have to get a little wordy this Wordless Wednesday ...You might have heard a rumor that Google is getting rid of their Google Friend Connect. This is partially true, but here is the deal. Google Friend Connect will work on Blogger.com / Blogspot.com blogs, but will no longer integrate

Cyber Monday & 2011 Christmas Shopping | Need Help Marketing Your Mom Business?

It's all about sales and service from Cyber Monday to New Years Day ... Is your Mom Business positioned in places where Christmas Holiday shoppers can find you on the Internet? If not, I can help!Want to skip the blog post and get info on how you can get help marketing your mom business online? Go to the Mom Business Marketing page. ELSE, read this page to learn more about 2011 Holiday Season

Netflix For Baby Clothes? Do You Buy It?

Check out this cute video and tell me what you think! * Please note that I am not a customer nor receive payment for sharing information on Plum Gear. I just think it is a nice resource for parents and have read good reviews.Plum Gear is a new business that is quickly creating a buzz as the "Netflix for Baby Clothes" for children ages 0 to 2 years old. The offer a cute selection of organically

My Husband Wants Me Fat

OK, I'm airing my dirty laundry AGAIN and I am curious to know if anyone else can relate? This is starting to become a real issue ...Aside of looking over to my right and seeing his dirty socks on the floor ... AGAIN (read my previous Dirty Laundry blog post), I am having a problem. I think that my husband wants me fat and is trying to keep me fat to make himself feel better ... REALLY!!! He is

Grateful For The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

"Grateful" is the word for this Five Minute Friday and so appropriate for the day after Thanksgiving :) I am grateful for the good, the bady and the ugly :)I am a grateful person by nature, but I am feeling even more gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. I am grateful for my beautiful family; this includes the new family members my husband and I have acquired through marriage. It really

Happy Thanksgiving Day | Memories & Tips

From My Home To Yours ... I Am Even More Thankful This Day Because of YouThanksgiving Day always brings back the fondest memories of my step-mother. She made every holiday special, but Thanksgiving was one that we were sure to spend at home with family and she always cooked a gourmet galore. She was pleasant about it, too :)It must have been difficult for her because both sides of the family ate

Wordless Wednesday | Resourceful Baby

ZSAZRQCWZGP2Watching Our Resourceful Baby Playing In The TentOur little baby is always carrying toys, bottles or bowls in his mouth, so that he can crawl freely and still have his play things at hand. This was his first time in a tent and he really enjoyed it; almost as much as Elmo and "Super Why". We liked watching him do his "resourceful baby" thing!Blog Hopping is such a fun way to get to

Black Friday Blues & Mom Business Marketing

Got The Black Friday Blues ... Is Your Mom Business Ready?Black Friday is a day that I try to avoid, but it is virtually impossible with all of the sales flyers, television and Internet advertisement overwhelming my family with so called "Black Friday Deals" on stuff we do not need. My husband has been window shopping online all day. My tween keeps adding "stuff" to his Christmas list. I even

Watching Him Grow

The Five Minute Friday word of today is "Grow" and many memories come to mind ...The most profound is when my oldest son was just a few weeks old. My step-father, mother and I had just finished dinner. My parents got up from the dinner table and headed into the living room where my son was sleeping as sweetly as the newborn baby that he was at the time. I cleared the dishes from the table and was

Wordless Wednesday | Look Who's Fishing

My Husband Had A Little Friend Fishing w/ Him That DayPlease leave a comment if you have been so kind as to follow via GFC, Twitter and / or Facebook. I am trying to increase my Alexa ranks, so please take a few minutes to browse a few of the other posts / pages and leave me a review. I do return the luv at your blog :) Check out the Blog Hops for more Wordless Wednesday and Daily favorites :)In

Unexpected Love

"Unexpected" Is The Five Minute Topic This WeekAs a single mother, I never would have expected that God would bless me with another child and a loving husband that would make the package complete. I laugh as I sit and remember how my sons were trying to set me up with Adam Sandler. They decided that he and I were most compatible, and that he would make the perfect Dad because of how cool he was

Exhausted Baby | Wordless Wednesday

Exhausted Baby Sleeping On Boppy PillowOK, I know this is Wordless Wednesday and a picture should say it all, but I have to share just a few words ... "I conquered" ... "I defeated" ... "I wore the baby out to the point that he put himself to sleep" - WOO HOO!!! I am so excited to share this picture because he has NOT been sleeping as much as I think that he should (two short naps and maybe up at

Remember Love Your Brother Unconditionally As God Wants You To Do | Five Minute Friday

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10I have a lot of pictures of my children (as most moms do), but these are some of the most recent and favorite pictures on my computer. I love looking at them because they make me remember that my children do love one another. This is not so much of a concern between my two younger boys, but my oldest and

88 Year Old Grandfather and Great Great Grandfather Video | Wordless Wednesday

This week's Wordless Wednesday is a video of my Grandfather :) This is my 88 year old Grandfather speaking on behalf of his friend that was honored last week: African-American photographer Charles "Teenie" Harris, who was born in 1908 and died in 1998. Both very accomplished men through the generations. I think that he did a great job!In Motherly Love,Mother Baby Child

10 Month Old Baby Milestones

1) If he is really tired, he will fall asleep on his own at nap time. 2) If his TV shows are not on and his brother is playing a game or it is quiet, he will sit and play with his toys for hours. He talks to them (says "Hi", babbles, sings).3) So long as we are in sight view, He will play in his matted play yard for hours.4) He started saying brother more clearly.5) Fine motor skills are much