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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2011

9 Months Old | Baby On The Go

9 months old is such an incredible age. I am praising God for blessing mewith 3 sons and for not having to be a single mother this time around.Nine month old babies are so active and personable that you would think they are toddlers, but they are not. At 9 months old, these babies are still infants with developmental needs that keep them our sweet, cuddly, little babies for months longer. I thank

Boating & Swimming With The Manatee | Central Florida | Wordless Wednesday

In Motherly Love,Mother Baby Child

Pictures of Mariah Carey Babies | Baby Twins Roc & Roe | Abc News 20/20 Interview and www.DemBabies.com - #dembabies

All I can say is "Thank you, Barbara Walters" for the awesome interview with Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. It's about time! Alyssa Milano, Tori Spelling, Christina Applegate and other Over 35 celebrity moms did not wait this long to let us see their little angels ... I know that celebrity moms are just as protective of their children as we are (probably more), but #DemBabies are 6 months now and

Wang Yue / YueYue Has Died | China Beyond

"Beyond" for Five Minute Friday Blog PostBeyond the refuge of my little life, is a family that is mourning the loss of their child because of negligence, lack of empathy and honor. 2 year old Wang Yue / YueYue died today. Her poor little body to weak to fight; her brain dead from the traumatic incident of being run over by 2 vehicles and left for dead by 18 people that were afraid to help the

Watercolors, French girls, sociopathy

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Finally, some new stuff. Here are some girlie watercolors I did tonight. I've been in a big drawing rut for a while now, but forced myself to draw while I watched this French 70's movie, "Don't Deliver Us From Evil." I've wanted to get away from just drawing girls, but the two main actresses were too cool looking not to draw. Here are some Post-It drawings of Anne (Jeanne Goupil), a long-limbed sociopathic school girl. She's not always this deadpan in the movie. Also, a warning- while this movie is interesting to watch, I had a hard time getting through it because of some disturbing themes, and some really horrible treatment towards animals. I really don't deal well with that type of thing. So if you're sensitive about that sort of thing, maybe skip this one. Part of me would like to re-watch the movie and do some more drawings of the other main actress as well, but I'm not sure that'll happen anytime soon. Here's one more waterc

Wang Yue "Yue Yue" | Wordless Wednesday

YUE YUE ... WHY THIS PICTURE?Are you here for Wordless Wednesday? Great! Please comment here and not on the Prayer & Thoughts page. Thank you so much!"Why this picture?" Join the discussion started on the Prayers & Thoughts blog post. In Motherly Love,Mother Baby Child

2 Year Old Chinese Baby Hit By Two Cars & Left To Die | Please Pray For This Little Girl

WARNING: THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDRENMoms, this blog post is dedicated to prayer for the family of Yueyue (Wang Yue). She is the 2 year old baby, that was hit by a van and truck on October 15, 2011 in Guangzhou Foshan China. Both of the drivers and 18 pedestrians left this toddler to die on the street (well, one pulled her out of the street towards the trash). Unfortunately, her mother

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day | Candle Lighting | Angel Moms Babies

I have been waiting all week to write this blog, but not my heart is so burdened by the remembrance it will bring that it is a little difficult to share this information on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.What is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day?It is a day of remembrance for those who have lost a baby to death / SIDS as well as for those who have had a miscarriage or

Google Friend Connect | Follow Me Blog Hop

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10Welcome to this Mother Baby Child blog :)My name is Lea. I am the Christian WAHM to 3 incredible boys (infant, tween and teen) and the wife to one too chatty, though loving hubby. I have been developing on the Internet for more than a decade and it has

How To Bake Cookies | Big Cookie For Me & Little Cookie For Dad | Wordless Wednesday

Original Nestle® Toll House® Chocolate Chip Cookies RecipeWordless WednesdayThank you for visiting my blog. I have recently started "blog hopping" and really enjoying meeting moms that blog; learning and sharing based on our interests. This is such a fun way to get to know one another, therefore I added a page with a list of blogs that host Wordless Wednesday and other resources: http://

Original Nestle® Toll House® Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe | Cooking With Kids

Original Nestle® Toll House® Chocolate Chip CookiesPrep: 15 minsCooking: 9 minsLevel: EasyCooling: 15 minsYields: 60Ingredients2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened3/4 cup granulated sugar3/4 cup packed brown sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extract2 large eggs2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels1 cup chopped

Tori Spelling's Baby Girl Hattie Margaret

WOW, Tori Spelling is another "over 35" celebrity mom that has just had a baby. Dean McDermott and Tori Spelling gave birth to a baby girl, named Hattie Margaret McDermott, on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 7:08 AM. Baby Hattie weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. She posted the baby announcement to her Twitter from Lockerz:Today, there was a link to see Hattie's cute little feet on the

Old and new

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Finally, some new stuff. A seaside-colored girl. Cora, being dreary. I've been drawing a lot of models lately. I think these ones are from the Urban Outfitters website and America's Next Top Model. Here's some sketchbook stuff I had posted earlier, before my blog crash. First are some criminal man heads. Renaissance faire girls. Johanna and Klara Söderberg from the Swedish band First Aid Kit. Thanks for coming back! Don't forget to check my Tumblr from time to time to see drawings and doodles that I don't always post here. ^u^

Proverbs 31:10–31 | Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character, The Virtuous Woman, The Virtuous Wife, Mother & Prayer

Proverbs 31:10–31 NIV10 A wife of noble character who can find?She is worth far more than rubies.11 Her husband has full confidence in herand lacks nothing of value.12 She brings him good, not harm,all the days of her life.13 She selects wool and flaxand works with eager hands.14 She is like the merchant ships,bringing her food from afar.15 She gets up while it is still night;she provides food

Follow Friday | Blog Hop, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube | October 6, 2011

Would you believe that I forgot that it's Friday?Yep, someone just reminded me by phone ... She laughed at me because I NEVER know what day it is anymore. It seems that I get lost in my own little world here with family life and work. Deadlines I get by working a head. Bedtimes are according to Sprout shows. I get the news and date by phone. Yet, I never know what day it is anymore ... Alas, it

9 Months Old Baby Milestones

Most 9 month old babies can sit well; developed balance. Most 9 month old babies can crawl well; stand by holding onto furniture or your leg; some babies start to walk by this age.Some drink from cups and can feed themselves finger foods and use a spoon with help. They are eating more solid foods at this time; maybe refusing baby foods that are too fine (have no texture or chunks).They can hold

Brother Loves Me | Wordless Wednesday

Wordless WednesdayDid I comment on your blog this week? Did it mention that I've linked your blog to this Wordless Wednesday post? I had so much fun hopping and meeting moms, that I decided to create a BLOG HOP page for everyone to use. I have added your Wordless Wednesday banners / buttons to this page: http://motherbabychild.blogspot.com/p/blog-hop.html - Please make sure to grab my button, so

Breast Cancer Awareness Month | October | Think Pink & Support | Meaningful Monday

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month October was once a month that made me think of colorful trees, harvest fests, pumpkin patches and preparing for the winter months, as well as their popular holidays (Thanksgiving & Christmas). This all changed for me in 2008 when I met my friend, Sandee. She had joined a work at home business with me and was eager to make her mark in that industry. Her

Boy, I Am Not Lois Griffin - Mommy Mama Ma Ma - Take That Game To Your Room!

3H5R8R7UPC3EI'm not promoting Family Guy, but this little video clip is something that all mothers should see (watch video above) ... Moms, can you relate? I sure can. My baby does this in the mornings while trying to wake us up and sometimes during the day. He gives us a repetitive "da da da da da"and "maaaa maaaa maaaa" ... it is still cute!This is not the point of my blog post today ...Babies