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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2010

Things That Don't Flush Well

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May flush closed (only if an original round Bakugan). Will generally not flush while open. May eventually flush over time. Except when deposited in conjunction with the aforementioned Bakugan. Will never, ever, ever flush if the shaving cream is flushed while still in the can. If travel-sized, however, the can will travel far enough up the toilet innards to necessitate the removal of the stool from the water supply and drain in order to retrieve. Not sure about every Sonic Sea Tot, but the Orca is definitely not flushable. Big thanks and shout out to my 3 1/2 year old twin boys for this educational plumbing-related post.

Freshening Up

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When we bought our house almost four years ago, I was six months pregnant with our twin boys. We closed on the house in September and did a few months work to it before moving in at the beginning of December. The boys were born at the beginning of January. Before they were born, we had the whole interior of the house painted including cabinets and some trimwork. We had carpet replaced with hardwood floors. We changed light fixtures. We pulled carpet from kids' bathrooms and put down tile. Tons of progress. After the babies were born, we did just a bit more work to the house - the biggest effort was replacing all of the front landscaping. The previous design was a mish-mosh of poorly placed shrubs and not-thought-out plantings. Trees were removed. Beds were made larger and replanted. We didn't take out one bothersome tree at the time - and that finally happened today. I gave J the green light and he wasted no time. It was a pretty tree - but it totally blocked the front of the

I Could Have Started This One...

I hear through the grapevine (Twitter) that this new blog just got a book deal. Dammit. I totally could have created this one, using only my twins as subjects. I give you: Shit My Kids Ruined